Being able to purchase your fishing license online is very convenient and has allowed me to go fishing on the spur of the moment a time or two, but there are those out there who wish to deceive! So be careful buying fishing & hunting permits online.
Just yesterday I received a notice from my local state agency alerting those who buy their fishing or hunting permit online to be careful! A few deceptive sites have popped up that give the impression they sell permits when they are actually selling “information” about getting your permit. See what they did there? Tricky, huh! Here’s an excerpt:
Several websites sell information about Nebraska permits and guides. These sites include;;;; and Nebraska Game and Parks has no affiliation with these sites. Customers have reported completing transactions on these sites believing they were buying a permit, when, in fact, they purchased an informational guide.NGPC Press Release
These sites are just vague enough to cause confusion, but likely not quite enough to break any laws. Here are some screenshots of what consumers see.

Be safe buying fishing & hunting permits online
- ALWAYS go directly to your state’s official website when you are looking to buy your permit online, don’t just “Google it”.
- READ CAREFULLY all the information on the page to be sure you are at the right place before you click the button or put in any personal information.
- If you aren’t TECH SAVVY, enlist the help of a friend or family member who is, or lastly…
- CONSIDER purchasing your license from a known local retailer. Many local outdoor retailers & large chain stores (Walmart, Scheels, etc.) sell fishing and hunting permits. By purchasing a license in person you can avoid this issue altogether.