The goal of Ordinary Outdoorsman is to make it easier for the everyday, ordinary person to get outdoors.

Consequently, we review gear that is accessible to the ordinary outdoorsman. Gear that is accessible is reasonably affordable, readily available, and useable by novice and experienced outdoorsman alike.

We review gear that is relevant to our primary topics of fishing, camping, hiking and related areas (e.g., boating, backpacking, snowshoeing, etc.).

Gear Review Policy: If you want us to review your gear…

Contact us first.

You could just send us your item to review, but we would prefer you contact us first to make sure it is a good fit. We will not guarantee that we will review your product unless you contact us first and we agree.

Send us gear that we can keep.

Unless there is compelling reason to return it (expensive, etc.), we ask that you send gear that we can keep. There are two reasons for this. It’s much less hassle and we sometimes come back to gear after we’ve used it for an extended time. We will make exceptions, of course, but please be clear if you expect the gear to be returned.

Expect a fair and impartial review.

We will talk about what we see as positives and negatives of the product. We will make suggestions as to the best use cases for the gear. We want to give people information so they can make their own decision.

We may include a video review in addition to the written review. Showing the gear in use often conveys more about the gear than writing alone.

We cannot guarantee a timeline for review.

If you are hoping for a specific timeline, please let us know that when you speak with us. We will let you know up front if we can or cannot meet your timeline.

We will disclose any material connection.

At the very least, we will disclose if we get to keep the gear or not. We will also disclose any direct sponsorships or affiliate arrangements as well.

We will link to your product.

We will include a link, but we reserve the right to link through an affiliate if one is available that carries your product.

For inquiries, contact